QASS Receives Prize – Awarded Talents Workshop

November 3, 2017 by
Marco Marino

Many children from Wetter (Ruhr) and the surrounding area, took part at the QASS Inventors Workshop in 2014, 2015 and 2016. They welded, soldered, screwed, programmed and invented. “The children were supposed to try themselves out, and we wanted to give them the chance to become an inventor by themselves”, Ulrich Seuthe said, CEO of QASS.

The award was handed over by Kerstin Thiel (zdi Netzwerk Ennepe-Ruhr), Annette Tilsner (Märkischer Arbeitgeberverband e.V.) and Jürgen Köder (CEO of Wirtschaftsförderung Ennepe-Ruhr). “We want to award QASS”, Annette Tilsner said, “because it is very special to enable children this possibility. We are very thankful for companies that open their doors.”

“Our intention wasn’t just a talents support”, Ulrich Seuthe added, “our main issue was that the children can test theirselves.” In 2017 there was no QASS Inventors Workshop, but it is going to be continued in 2018. “I would like a close collaboration with schools”, Ulrich Seuthe said, “teachers could do an Inventors Workshop at QASS, too. I explicitely want to thank all colleagues, it was a big but rewarding effort for our company.”

Photos of the awards show​

Review: Inventors Workshop 2015 - a video made by the kids

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