Cognitive Sensors at CAR Symposium 2016

January 7, 2016 by
Marco Marino

QASS delivers a guest lecture at the CAR Symposium 2016. The Symposium is a trade show for companies of the automotive sector. It’s the 16th CAR Symposium, this time under the title “New Mobility – Secure and without steering wheel?”.

International figureheads of the automotive secotor will deliver the keynotes: Dr. Dieter Zetsche (CEO Daimler), Mary Barra (CEO General Motors) and Brendan Hannigan (General Manager of IBM Security). The international CAR-Symposium is one of the biggest trade shows for the automotive sector, over 1100 conference attendees are expected.

Innovation boost for the automotive sector​

QASS is proud to hold a guest lecture. Ulrich Seuthe, CEO of QASS, is going to deliver the guest lecture under the title “Innovation boost for the automotive sector via Smart Companies”.

Heart of his lecture is a fast, direct and flexible networking for companies that deliver technology leaps. QASS has founded the new network Smart Companies, for businesses that not only modernize but also realize true technology leaps with real innovations.

The guest lecture starts on February 11th, 10.45 a.m. at the Ruhr Congress in Bochum.

Cognitive Sensors​

As a pioneer for cognitive measurement systems in autonomous processes, QASS is the international expert if it comes to automated evaluation of process operations. QASS is a specialist for process analysis, component testing and machine or tool monitoring. For crack detection during bending and straightening of steel shafts, the corporation is the world market leader. High Frequency Impulse Measurement (HFIM) was made possible by QASS and HFIM has defined new standards.

Tool Monitoring, Component Monitoring

The measurement system QASS Optimizer4D analyzes production processes via a real-time spectral analysis and matches the detected patterns with quality characteristics. Deviations from the ideal case are detected and reported. Destruction-free and 100%-in-process.

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