200 Experts from 20 Nations

January 15, 2015 by
Marco Marino

The more complex the challenges, the more important the teamwork: Technological advances are crucial to improve security and performance, especially in the aerospace-sector. This creates advantages and profit, for QASS and for participating companies. In December, the conference “New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry” took place in Hanover in Germany. Peter-Christian Zinn (Photo), Physicist, attended the conference for QASS as a lecturer. The conference was hosted by the german Machining Innovations Network (MIN). 200 experts from 20 nations met for exchange and communication. “We were able to gather technological insights of the most advanced machining processes and we can use these insights in our daily work”, Peter-Christian Zinn said. “We have to thank the lecturers”, Professor Berend Denkena said, Vice-President of MIN, “they have made the conference a big success.” Additionally, Derenka thanked QASS for the lecture about destruction-free methods for quality assurance. Photo: MIN

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