Quality assurance for plastic injection molding

November 11, 2014 by
Marco Marino

In the course of keywords such as ''Industry 4.0'' and ''Smart Factory'', the highest quality demands can now also be implemented in plastic injection moulding processes.

QASS offers customised quality assurance solutions for plastic injection moulding machines: 

- Process monitoring : worn-out ejectors, guiding bolts, inaccuracies of forms
- Tool monitoring: cracks or breaks in forms, e.g. breaking cores
- Process optimization: Determination of ideal process parameters

The measurement device QASS Optimizer4D provides a depiction of the process by measurement of acoustic emission signals. Comparing algorithms can detect deviaitons from the ideal depiction. By this it’s possible to determine if a tool is still in shape and if the process itself is running smooth. Fully automated, destruction-free and 100%-in-process.

Expert system
Additionally to the fully automated process monitoring, Optimizer4D can be used as an expert system to determine ideal process parameters.

Test measurement
Use our economic and affordable offerings for test measurements. Detect how much potential for optimization hides in your machines and applications.

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